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Acronyms. 2013.

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  • Puss/Oh — Puss/Oh, the Guilt Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Puss/Oh, the Guilt» Sencillo de The Jesus Lizard y Nirvana Publicación Febrero de 1993 Formato CD, LP …   Wikipedia Español

  • Puss — (p[.u]s), n. [Cf. D. poes, Ir. & Gael. pus.] 1. A cat; a fondling appellation. [1913 Webster] 2. A hare; so called by sportsmen. [1913 Webster] {Puss in the corner}, a game in which all the players but one occupy corners of a room, or certain… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • puss — [pus] n BrE spoken [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: Probably from Middle Low German pus] used to talk to or call a cat American Equivalent: kitty ▪ Come here, puss, puss, puss! …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • puss — [ pus ] noun count usually singular INFORMAL 1. ) a cat: Here puss, puss, puss! 2. ) your face or mouth …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Puss — has these meanings: * A slang and affectionate word for cat : see pussy * Puss moth, a species of moth and a type of aeroplane * Puss (Swedish music duo), formed in Stockholm in 2001 * Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, in the UK… …   Wikipedia

  • Puss — Puss  это музыкальный дуэт из Швеции, созданный в Стокгольме в 2001 году. Они играют живую битпоп музыку с помощью двух старых приставок Game Boy и программы Little Sound DJ. Название происходит от шведского слова «puss», которое можно перевести… …   Википедия

  • puss — puss; puss·ley; puss·ly; …   English syllables

  • puss — ► NOUN informal 1) a cat. 2) a coquettish girl or young woman: a glamour puss. ORIGIN probably from Low German p s or Dutch poes …   English terms dictionary

  • puss — • puss, slät, sugare • kyss • kyss, slät, sugare …   Svensk synonymlexikon

  • puss — n *face, countenance, visage, physiognomy, mug …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • puss — puss1 [poos] n. [orig. ? echoic of the spitting of a cat: akin to Du poes, Swed dial. pus, LowG puus, cat] 1. a cat: pet name or child s term 2. a girl or young woman: term of affection puss2 [poos] n. [< Irish pus, mouth] Slang ☆ 1 …   English World dictionary

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