Flight Assignment Working Group NASA Luftfahrt / Weltraumfahrt

Acronyms. 2013.

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  • Afognak — /euh fawg nak, euh fog /, n. an island off southern Alaska, in the Gulf of Alaska, N of Kodiak Island. 721 sq. mi. (1867 sq. km). * * * …   Universalium

  • antifog — /an tee fog , fawg , an tuy /, adj. preventing or resisting the buildup of moisture on a surface: an antifog fluid for camera lenses. [ANTI + FOG] * * * …   Universalium

  • befog — /bi fog , fawg /, v.t., befogged, befogging. 1. to envelop in fog or obscurity; becloud: Low hanging clouds befogged the city. 2. to render unclear; confuse by irrelevancies or distractions: Petty differences befogged the legislators task. [1595… …   Universalium

  • biofog — /buy oh fog , fawg /, n. Meteorol. a fog, resembling steam fog, produced by the contact of very cold air with the warmth and moisture issuing from animal or human bodies. [BIO + FOG1] * * * …   Universalium

  • defog — /dee fog , fawg /, v.t., defogged, defogging. 1. to remove the fog or moisture from (a car window, mirror, etc.). 2. Informal. to make intelligible, specific, or obvious; clarify: In a lengthy interview the mayor defogged the issues in the… …   Universalium

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