ICAO - Airportcode f. Williston International Airport (South Africa)

Acronyms. 2013.

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  • FAWL — ICAO Airportcode f. Williston International Airport ( South Africa) …   Acronyms von A bis Z

  • falconiform — /fawl koh neuh fawrm , fal , faw koh , fawl keuh neuh , fal , faw keuh /, adj. of, pertaining to, or belonging to the order Falconiformes, comprising the vultures, hawks, eagles, ospreys, falcons, caracaras, etc. [ < NL falconiformes; see FALCON …   Universalium

  • falconiform — /fawl koh neuh fawrm , fal , faw koh , fawl keuh neuh , fal , faw keuh /, adj. of, pertaining to, or belonging to the order Falconiformes, comprising the vultures, hawks, eagles, ospreys, falcons, caracaras, etc. [ < NL falconiformes; see… …   Useful english dictionary

  • falchion — /fawl cheuhn, sheuhn/, n. 1. a broad, short sword having a convex edge curving sharply to the point. 2. Archaic. any sword. [1275 1325; ME fauchoun (with l restored in 16th cent.) < OF fauchon < VL *falcion , s. of falcio, deriv. of L falx, s.… …   Universalium

  • falconer — /fawl keuh neuhr, fal , faw keuh /, n. 1. a person who hunts with falcons or follows the sport of hawking. 2. a person who trains hawks for hunting. [1350 1400; ME falkenar ( < ML falconarius), fauconer < AF; OF fauconier < ML; see FALCON, ER2] * …   Universalium

  • falconet — /fawl keuh net , fal , faw keuh /, n. any of several small Asian falcons, esp. of the genus Microhierax. [1850 55; FALCON + ET] * * * …   Universalium

  • falcon-gentle — /fawl keuhn jen tl, fal , faw keuhn /, n. 1. the female peregrine falcon. 2. any female falcon. [1350 1400; trans. of F faucon gentil; r. ME gentil fauco(u)n, facon jent, etc.] * * * …   Universalium

  • falconry — /fawl keuhn ree, fal , faw keuhn /, n. 1. the sport of hunting with falcons, hawks, eagles, etc.; hawking. 2. the art of training hawks to hunt. [1565 75; FALCON + RY, modeled on F fauconnerie] * * * Sport of employing falcons or other hawks in… …   Universalium

  • Falkirk — /fawl kerrk/, n. 1. an administrative district in the Central region, in S central Scotland. 143,167; 110 sq. mi. (285 sq. km). 2. a city in this district, W of Edinburgh: Scots under Wallace defeated by the English 1298. 37,489. * * * ▪ Scotland …   Universalium

  • fall — /fawl/, v., fell, fallen, falling, n. v.i. 1. to drop or descend under the force of gravity, as to a lower place through loss or lack of support. 2. to come or drop down suddenly to a lower position, esp. to leave a standing or erect position… …   Universalium

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