- -High(er) Level Language
Acronyms. 2013.
Acronyms. 2013.
HLL — Can have several meanings:* High level programming language * hll The Old Testament Hebrew lexicon hll may refer to the Original Word Transliterated Word hll) translating to allah, el leh, and also the Aramaic translated word as elleh. [cite… … Wikipedia
HLL — steht für: Hauptluftleitung, ein technisches System in Schienenfahrzeugen High Level Language, eine Höhere Programmiersprache für Computer Hindustan Lever Limited, der ehemalige Name des indischen Einzelhandelsunternehmens Hindustan Unilever… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hll — steht für: Hauptluftleitung, ein technisches System in Schienenfahrzeugen High Level Language, eine Höhere Programmiersprache für Computer Hindustan Lever Limited, der ehemalige Name des indischen Einzelhandelsunternehmens Hindustan Unilever… … Deutsch Wikipedia
hll. — hll. 〈Abk. für den Pl. von〉 heilig * * * hll. = ↑ 2heilige <Pl.>. * * * hll. = heilige <Pl.> … Universal-Lexikon
Hll. — Hll. 〈Abk. für den Pl. von〉 Heilige(r) * * * hll. = ↑ 2heilige <Pl.>. * * * hll. = heilige <Pl.> … Universal-Lexikon
HLL — [Abk. für High Level Language, dt. höhere Programmiersprache], Programmiersprache … Universal-Lexikon
HLL — (High Level Language) (Computers) programming language in which instructions are written in a clean language that resembles human language (and is later translated into machine language) … English contemporary dictionary
hll. — hll. = heilige Plural … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
hll — Definition: To shout, boast; in derived stem, to praise. 1a. alleluia, hallelujah, from Hebrew hallǝlû yāh, praise Yahweh, from hallǝlû, praise, masculine plural imperative of hillēl, to praise; b. Hallel, from Hebrew hallēl, song of praise, from … The American Heritage dictionary of the English language
ḥll — Definition: To be(come) clean, pure, holy. 1. Elul, from Hebrew ɔĕlûl, a month name, from Akkadian elūlu, elūnu, name of a festival and of a month corresponding to parts of August and September, perhaps from elēlu (⇐ *ḥalālum), to be(come) clean … The American Heritage dictionary of the English language
ḫll — Definition: West Semitic, to pierce. 1. challah, from Hebrew ḥallâ, a kind of bread or cake, probably «something perforated,» from ḥālal, to pierce. 2. alfilaria, from Arabic al ḫilāl, the pin, thorn, from ḫalla, to pierce … The American Heritage dictionary of the English language