Radio Frequency Interference Test (->"IEEE Standard Dictionary")

Acronyms. 2013.

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  • RFIT — Radio Frequency Interference Test ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) …   Acronyms von A bis Z

  • forfeit — for|feit1 [ fɔrfıt ] verb transitive 1. ) to be forced to give up a right, a benefit, or something you own, because you have broken a rule or law: If they moved away, they would forfeit all rights to their land. It is the first time she has… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Clinton Portis — Portis during the 2007 season. No.       Free Agent Running back Personal information …   Wikipedia

  • RF-iT Solutions — Infobox Company company name = RF iT Solutions GmbH company company type = Private foundation = (2005) num employees = 27 location = Graz, Austria key people = André Schenten, CEO Dominik Berger, CMO Alex Gauby, CTO industry = AIDC products =… …   Wikipedia

  • Forfeit — For|feit 〈[fɔ:rfıt] n. 15; Kaufmannsspr.〉 Abstandszahlung bei Vertragsrücktritt, Reugeld [engl., „Geldbuße“ <afrz. forfait „Untat, Frevel, Verbrechen“ <lat. foris facere „draußen, d. h. außerhalb des Rechts handeln“] * * * For|feit [… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Forfeit — For|feit 〈[fɔ:rfıt] n.; Gen.: od. s, Pl.: s; Kaufmannsspr.〉 Abstandszahlung bei Vertragsrücktritt, Reuegeld [Etym.: engl., »Geldbuße« <afrz. forfait »Untat, Frevel, Verbrechen« <lat. foris facere »draußen, d. h. außerhalb des Rechts… …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • forfeiture — for|feit|ure [ˈfo:fıtʃə US ˈfo:rfıtʃər] n [U and C] formal when someone has their property or money officially taken away because they have broken a law or rule ▪ Refusal to sign meant forfeiture of property and exile …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • forfeiture — for|fei|ture [ fɔrfıtʃər ] noun count or uncount LEGAL the loss of a right, a benefit, or something you own because you have failed to do something or have done something wrong: They risked forfeiture if they were late with the payment …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • surfeit — sur|feit [ sɜrfıt ] noun a surfeit of something FORMAL too much of something: a surfeit of wine a surfeit of gossip …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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