Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, Inc.

Acronyms. 2013.

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  • SMPTE —   [Abk. für Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, dt. »Gesellschaft der Film und Fernsehingenieure«], ein US amerikanisches Komitee, das sich mit Normungsfragen in den Bereichen Film, Fernsehen und Video befasst. Die SMPTE hat… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • SMPTE — Die Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, abgekürzt SMPTE (sɪmpti, manchmal auch sʌmpti), ist ein internationaler Verband aus dem Bereich der professionellen Film und vor allem Videotechnik mit Sitz in White Plains, New York. Die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • SMPTE — F/A/V Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. VP Sosciety of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. This long standing group of film and TV engineers develop industry standards. HD Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers …   Audio and video glossary

  • SMPTE 292M — is a standard published by SMPTE which expands upon SMPTE 259M and SMPTE 344M allowing for bit rates of 1.485 Gbit/s, and 1.485/1.001 Gbit/s. These bit rates are sufficient for High Definition video.SMPTE 292M] This standard is usually referred… …   Wikipedia

  • SMPTE timecode — is a set of cooperating standards to label individual frames of video or film with a time code defined by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers in the SMPTE 12M specification. SMPTE revised the standard in 2008, turning it into a …   Wikipedia

  • SMPTE time code — SMPTE timecode is a set of cooperating standards to label individual frames of video or film with a timecode defined by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers in the SMPTE 12M specification. Timecodes are added to film, video or… …   Wikipedia

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  • SMPTE 259M — est un standard publié par la SMPTE qui décrit une interface numérique série sur 10 bits à des débits de 143/270/360 Mb/s. Le but de « SMPTE 259 M » est de définir une interface numérique en série (basé sur un câble coaxial). Cette… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • SMPTE 424M — is a standard published by SMPTE which expands upon SMPTE 259M, SMPTE 344M, and SMPTE 292M allowing for bit rates of 2.970 Gbit/s and 2.970/1.001 Gbit/s over a single link coaxial cable. These bit rates are sufficient for 1080p video at 50 or 60… …   Wikipedia

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