
European Molecular Biology Network

Acronyms. 2013.

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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • EMBnet — (European Molecular Biology network)[1] is an international collaboration network that aims to enhance bioinformatics services by bringing together bioinformatics service providers. On 2011 EMBnet has 37 nodes spread over 32 countries. The nodes… …   Wikipedia

  • EMBnet — (European Molecular Biology network) est un réseau collaboratif international dont le but est d améliorer les services de bio informatique, en regroupant et mettant en contact les divers fournisseurs de services. En 2008 EMBnet comptait 37 nœuds… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • EMBnet — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda EMBnet es la Red Europea de Bioinformática, un grupo científico de nodos que colaboran a través de Europa, Asia, África y Latinoamérica. La maestría combinada de los nodos permite que EMBnet proporcione servicios a… …   Wikipedia Español

  • EMBnet — European Molecular Biology Network …   Acronyms von A bis Z

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  • Erik Bongcam-Rudloff — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Erik Bongcam Rudloff, es un bioinformático, sueco chileno. Obtuvo el grado de Doctor en Ciencias Medicas en la Universidad de Uppsala, Suecia en 1994. Desde el 2005, es profesor en el Linnaeus Centre for… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics — The Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) is an academic not for profit foundation established on March 30 1998 whose mission is to promote research, develop databanks and computer technologies, and be involved with teaching and service… …   Wikipedia

  • Erik Bongcam-Rudloff — is a Chilean born Swedish biologist and computer scientist. He received his doctorate in medical sciences from Uppsala University in 1994. As of 2005, he is an associate professor at the Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics in Uppsala (a joint… …   Wikipedia

  • EMBOSS — is an acronym for European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology and bioinformatics user community.cite journal |author=Rice P,… …   Wikipedia

  • BioLinux — is a term used in a variety of projects involved in making access to bioinformatics software on a Linux platform easier using one or more of the following methods:*Provision of complete systems *Provision of bioinformatics software repositories… …   Wikipedia

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