Gizan, Saudi Arabia - internationale Flughafen-Kennung

Acronyms. 2013.

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  • GIZ — beziehungsweise GIZ steht für: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH Glasionomerzement, ein Füllungsmaterial aus der Zahnheilkunde Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer m …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • giz — s. m. 1. Variedade de carbonato de cal usado como lápis branco. 2. giz de alfaiate: talco …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • giz|mo — «GIHZ moh», noun, plural mos. U.S. Slang. a gadget; device; contraption. ╂[origin unknown] …   Useful english dictionary

  • giz·mo — /ˈgızˌmoʊ/ noun, pl mos [count] informal : a usually small mechanical or electronic device : ↑gadget He broke the gizmo he uses to open and close his garage door …   Useful english dictionary

  • giz — et·y·mol·o·giz·able; eu·lo·giz·er; gene·al·o·giz·er; giz·mo; giz·zard; giz·zen; giz·zern; ho·mol·o·giz·er; phys·i·ol·o·giz·er; en·er·giz·er; apol·o·giz·er; giz·zened; kir·giz; my·thol·o·giz·er; …   English syllables

  • giz — I Cumbrian Dictionary ( v gizz) give me. e.g. Giz a glem at yon = Would you mind if I took a look at that, please. Note: Giz is a contraction of Give us . Us in this case, as is oft the case in Cumbrian and yet no less curiously, as the first… …   English dialects glossary

  • Giz Watson — (born 18 January 1957) is an English Australian politician.BiographyWatson was born in 1957 in Eastleigh, a town in Hampshire, England, and emigrated to Western Australia in September 1967, travelling extensively through the state. She studied… …   Wikipedia

  • giz|zard — «GIHZ uhrd», noun. 1. a bird s second stomach where the food from the first stomach is ground up fine; ventriculus. The gizzard has thick, rough walls and usually contains bits of sand or gravel. 2. a muscular organ posterior to the crop in… …   Useful english dictionary

  • giz·zard — /ˈgızɚd/ noun, pl zards [count] : a part in the stomach of a bird in which food is broken down into small pieces …   Useful english dictionary

  • GIZ — Gizmo (Internet » Wannas) * Gizan, Saudi Arabia (Regional » Airport Codes) …   Abbreviations dictionary

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