Holman Island, NWT, Canada - internationale Flughafen-Kennung

Acronyms. 2013.

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  • YHI — may refer to:* YHI the IATA code for Ulukhaktok/Holman Airport in the Northwest Territories, Canada. * Yhi a goddess of light and creation n Australian Aboriginal mythology …   Wikipedia

  • Yhi — In Australian Aboriginal mythology (specifically: Karraur), Yhi is a goddess of light and creation, and a solar deity. She lived in the Dream time and slept until a whistle awakened her. When she opened her eyes, light fell on the Earth. She… …   Wikipedia

  • Yhi — Dans la mythologie aborigène, Yhi est la déesse de la lumière et de la création ; elle représente également le soleil. Elle dormait dans le Temps du rêve jusqu à ce qu un sifflement la réveille. Quand elle ouvrit les yeux, la lumière… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • YHI — Holman Island, NorthWest Territories, Canada (Regional » Airport Codes) …   Abbreviations dictionary

  • YHI — Holman Island, NWT, Canada internationale Fughafen Kennung …   Acronyms von A bis Z

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  • Great Byamee — Der Great Byamee (Großer Byamee) ist eine Schöpfungsfigur in der Traumzeit der Aborigines. Die Figur wird durch einen Waran symbolisiert. Er ist ein demütiger wie auch gütiger Mann mit großer Weisheit, der den Menschen die Gesetze lehrte. In den… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bahloo — In Australian aboriginal mythology, Bahloo is moon man. He keeps three deadly snakes as pets. Myths Concerning Bahloo One aboriginal legend tells of how Yhi, the sun, courted Bahloo, but he refused her advances. The myth says that this is why the …   Wikipedia

  • Ulukhaktok/Holman Airport — Infobox Airport name = Ulukhakot/Holman Airport IATA = YHI ICAO = CYHI type = Public owner = operator = Government of Northwest Territories city served = location = Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories elevation f = 117 elevation m = 36 coordinates …   Wikipedia

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